Ice dam warning signs are usually subtle at first such as a small icicle or a water stain on the ceiling. But these signs can quickly grow to become very ugly as pictured. One of the more common first ice dam warning signs is icicles forming behind the gutters and through the soffits as pictured. Icicles in places they shouldn’t be is a sign. If you have ice dam warning signs call IDSAFE # 612-460-0474. If you see brown colored icicles this is extremely bad! These are signs that the ice dam has already started to cause damage to your property. Removing the ice is very important. The icicles/water will keep working it way higher up your roof until eventually it is above the ceiling and leaking inside your property. When you see icicles forming as pictured here or below, it is time to call the insurance company and explain to them the ice dams are damaging your home. In some cases insurance companies will cover the ice dam removal costs. In the bottom picture you can see that icicles are forming down the siding. It is possibly already in the wall cavity, and it certainly won’t be long before it is doing damage to the interior. These are your ice dam warning signs. It is important to pay attention and look at all sides of your home for these signs.
Once you see signs of ice and water in places that ice shouldn’t be, it’s crucial to remove the ice dams. Water or ice should never be visible behind the gutters, facia or through the soffits and especially never down the side of the building. If you see anything as mentioned or pictured, it is time to seek a professional ice dam removal company using low pressure steam equipment.
Other ice dam warning signs are icicles forming on the overhangs. Even small icicles should be a sign to you that there could be a big problem. Keep a close eye on the valleys and areas near skylights as these are know problem areas.
If you have any questions or need to hire an ice dam steaming company please feel free to contact us today. We can easily put you in touch with one of our members near you. Our members have all passed strict guidelines and all members own the correct steam equipment. If you choose to shop around please use our education and Q&A pages as a source for the best information. And please beware that not all companies use low pressure steam, many use hot pressure washers that can damage your roof!