Ice Dam Steaming Association For Education IDSAFE
Welcome to the Ice Dam Steaming Association For Education IDSAFE blog. We would like to take a few minutes of your time to introduce to you the worlds first and currently only ice dam removal Association for professional low pressure ice dam steaming companies. The Ice Dam Steaming Association For Education IDSAFE was started because we felt that the number of companies lying to customers about their equipment was getting way out of hand. Companies with hot pressure washers are claiming they use steam when in fact they don’t. These machines are damaging to roofs. We feel that honesty and integrity are the best policy and when companies deceive property owners and news media we could not just stand still and let it happen. When companies claim to use steam but in fact are only using hot water at high pressures the chances of you roof being damaged are extremely high! How can these companies get away with this? And how do these companies even lie to major news channels?! A lack of knowledge WAS their saving grace, until now. Within our website we discuss all the ways to distinguish between these machines. Below we discuss another reason companies are able to lie. Read below!
The Myth: One common misconception that allows these companies to fool the property owners is the “appearance of steam.” When warm water is used in cold temperatures, steam like clouds are produced giving the illusion that they are steaming. Just because you see steam produced on a roof does not mean they are using steam. Watch the videos below to see!
The Truth: Steam that is safe for ice dam removal must be turned into steam inside the heating coils of the machine. When hot water comes in contact with cold air it is not steam at all and is not safe for ice dam removal. Pressurized hot water can easily cut holes in your roof but steam cannot. A hot water pressure washer can literally cut your hand off! However a low pressure steamer would only burn your skin. Get the point?
So what have we learned? We have learned that just because you see steam being produced on a roof it does not mean that they are using steam. Learning how to identify the differences between steamers and hot pressure washers is very important before you hire someone to steam your ice dams.
Hot pressure washers and steamers look very similar in appearance but are very different when it comes to removing ice. We have packed this website with information to educate and help you learn the differences. We have also opened up our website to questions, allowing anyone to get answers to questions.
Ice Dam Steaming Association For Education IDSAFE
As an ice dam steaming Association we locate ice dam removal companies using the right low pressure steam equipment and give them the opportunity to become a part of our IDSAFE family. Our members are given our special clickable logo with a unique member number to put on their website. Our unique member logos click back to our site for verification to help avoid companies stealing and altering it. Hiring our members for ice dam removal is a safe option because our members are guaranteed to use the correct low pressure equipment that will not damage your roof. We feel this is a great way to help property owners distinguish between good and bad companies.
If you have any questions about ice dam steaming or would like help locating our members, please feel free to contact us. We respond quickly because we understand the urgency of ice dam removal.